I need to go through this thread to see what game have I missed out on. There's a number of titles on here that I already have or know about XDD
I want to toss in a odd one, and while it is a smaller portion, a gimmick really, of the game overall, it still gave me a decent amount of euphoria Assassin's Creed: Origin. While in any outdoor area, you are able to call upon your eagle companion and switch to the perspective of the eagle. Although it is a 3rd person view, and limited in height, the flying is really nice, the banking, the diving, that feeling of soaring. I could stay there long.
I found comfort in the videogameVampire The Masquerade: Shadows of New York, so i will be definitively seek out similar games soon.
For the brief time I played the game I was transported in a word were vampires were real and they had their own secret society.
Not related to any of my kintypes but I also found some comfort in Night in the Woods, all characters are animals in the game. (But I have yet to finish it)